Friday, 30 September 2011

hacking Week1

Our first week was quite interesting. I was very exited after looking at the course outline, since the beginning I knew I was going to love this course. Just by the fact that we are finally going to learn and test real concepts about security, made me very exited.

On this week we talked about some of the tools that we are going to use through the semester. Some of the tools were, Wireshark, Pythong (one of my favorites until now), Netcat, Immunity Debugger (very useful tool), Process Monitor, Metasploit (dont know how to use it very much still but one of the tools I'm most interested in learning).

We also talked about why it is important to stay up to date in terms of security. Technology is constantly evolving and also hackers are more and more knowledgeable. This fact should make administrators to always be on top of network security to be able to protect networks against attacks.


This week we talked about Malware. Definitions and examples of Virus, Worm, Rootkit. We also went back and history and talked about "Malware Pivotal Moments in History" with Creeper Virus, Melissa Worm and ILOVEYOU Worm...

Honeypot and Honeynet, what they are and different types, Low Interaction and High.

In the lab, we built and deployed a honeypot (nepenthes) and analized with wireshark.